How to write a press release that can boost the Credibility and Authority of a business
It is not unknown how press releases can improve the business aspects regardless of the industry. Business owners and individuals avail of a press release service for various regions whether it is to gain popularity, build brand awareness or cater to the attention of the potential listeners. One of the purposes among them can be enhancing the credibility of a company.
Though there are no structural differences in the format it requires some expertise to improve credibility and authority with a press release. Press releases are authentic and trustworthy documents that help to boost a company’s credibility in the market regardless of the belonging industry. Before proceeding with a distribution plan, let’s take a look at how to craft a PR that is potential enough to boost credibility.
1. Every PR should be real news itself
Since PRs are considered exceptional marketing tools, many business owners try to put advertisement or fluff marketing approaches through a press release which makes it even worse and makes it appear less trustworthy. Instead, you should be focusing on the news angle and how honestly you can represent it. Suppose you have an immediate product launch and you are making a press release for it. It is more of a suitable news angle rather than you celebrating an employee’s birthday. So you have to figure out which purposes can bring authenticity to the company or the business.
2. Share facts, not opinions
Nobody wants to know if you like your product or if it is related to your childhood memory. In a competitive market, the professionals try to showcase their products or services with a vibrancy to create an abuzz. However, it does not work that way. Potential customers might be more interested in the features of the products and how they can help them rather than its background story and emotions related to it. If you are not sure how the craft the angle, follow the 5Ws and 1H rule.
The 5 W’s of a press release writing is referred to who, what, when, where, why, and how for 1H. These are the angles of question that usually occurs in a reader’s mind. If you provide all the details to these questions, the facts will be enough to attract everyone while solving their curiosity.
3. Show more details on your subject matter
Quoting facts and including statistical data shows that you are well aware of your business and industry. When you are better at explaining your subject matter, readers get the sense of your expertise as well as find the PR more informative and actable as authentic information. These help to depict your product and services as the best in class without even writing it. As a result, you are able to garner more credibility from the niche industry and communities.
However, there’s a catch. If you overwhelm the content with too much of numbers, most readers would abandon it without even reading it. So, try to keep things simple with a few references. Even if you are adding some statistical data, it is better to put the source in the content to gain more authenticity. You can use image attachments and embedded links as well.
4. Be in the game with big names
Press releases incorporate quotes from various people. Some PR contains speeches of the founding members, and some consist of even bigger names in the field. While it can be anyone, whether from your company or an expert from outside; it is important for the readers to have to be aware of the person. If an experienced and famous professional in the field works with you or vice versa, people are more likely to trust you and your company easily. Be friends with bigger names and experts in the field to proceed with your business smoothly. Thus, your company eventually gains more authority in the market.
5. A call to action
Every press release should have the following call to action to engage readers after reading the PR. This helps to understand how effectively the PR has gathered attention and how much curious customers are looking forward to purchasing from your business. In this case, the best option is to offer a free item after PR, such as an e-book course or coupon code, etc. You can offer the free item in exchange for their email IDs. Make sure the free item is worth having. With the emails, you can utilize the prospects of email marketing later by sending emails whenever there is an offer around the corner.
Final Take
Press Release is one of the most effective tools for every business and it should be handled delicately before publishing. Make sure you are aware of the purpose and follow the aforementioned tips to create your content. However, if you are unable to do everything alone; you always take the help of a professional press release writing and distribution agency.

Phillip Goodwin graduated in 2007 from reputable University majoring in Economics and Accounting. In the past years, he has gathered an immense amount of experience and written for other financial sites and published independent investment research, primarily on initiative companies and new entrepreneurs. He has been working in the writing industry for the last 4 years. He has a motivational persona and trains staff on the finer points of writing, editing and getting the news out on time. Address: 1635 Rainbow Road Arcadia, CA 91006,Unites states of America Contact Number: (+1) 626-254-4709 Email: [email protected]